What are the Dangers & Risks of Asbestos?

Asbestos has rightly gained a strict reputation as a highly dangerous substance. Being used extensively as an insulation material since antiquity all the up until its ban across many countries (with the UK banning the material in 1999) – the dangers of the substance were suspected but arguably hidden by the asbestos industry for decades. Alarmingly – asbestos is still mined and used in some countries – despite the risks. You have likely heard about the risks of asbestos but this article breaks down all of the risks as well as why it’s so important to arrange for an asbestos survey or asbestos removal. If you are working on a property that was constructed before 1999, have a home that was built before 1999 or other buildings – you need to be aware of the risks. So read on to find out more about the risks that you need to consider.


At All About Asbestos, we are one of the leading providers of asbestos removal in Kent and the surrounding areas. Our team of expert surveyors are also able to carry out a number of specialist services involving asbestos including asbestos surveys, asbestos testing, asbestos roof services and asbestos management. If you are concerned about the risks that are associated with asbestos or suspect that asbestos is present then get in touch with our team. You can use an online contact form on our website or call our team now.


Why is Asbestos a Dangerous Material?


Asbestos was a widely used insulation material so one of the primary dangers is that it’s highly likely to be in buildings, industrial settings and other types of buildings if constructed before 1999. Older buildings and dormant buildings tend to pose a greater risk of asbestos inhalation. This is because of the fact that disturbance of asbestos such as breaking asbestos boards, the natural decay of the material or other factors can disperse asbestos fibres into the air. Once the fibres are in the air and an individual is not wearing respiratory equipment – the asbestos fibres can be inhaled.


The body cannot naturally break down asbestos fibres – it is impossible for the lungs or stomach to dissolve the fibres. The fibres can then become attached to the pleural lining of the lungs. The pleural lining is present on all organs and protects them within the body. If the fibres become attached and cannot break down – they can eventually cause a number of lung diseases including pleural thickening, effusions, asbestos and lung cancer. This is why it’s so important to know the risks and get in touch with the experts if you fear that asbestos is present. With demolition and restoration projects – an asbestos test will be required before works can take place.


Managing the Risks of Asbestos

Asbestos was used extensively – so it’s really important to understand and manage the risks of asbestos. Should you be a manager of factories, warehouses, offices and other commercial premises then you will have a duty of care for employees as well as other aspects relating to asbestos. Failure to do so could result in breaches with the HSE authority as well as personal injury claims being made therefore it’s highly important to take the management of asbestos with the utmost seriousness in these situations. Our team can help with the management of asbestos in commercial settings.


For domestic projects – we highly recommend that again – you contact our team should you feel that asbestos may be presenting when carrying out a renovation project. Even for your peace of mind – an asbestos test is key in keeping you and your family safe.


If you are concerned about the risks that are associated with asbestos or suspect that asbestos is present then get in touch with our team. You can use an online contact form on our website or call our team now.