Demolition & The Management of Asbestos

There is still a potentially significant risk to the public in terms of asbestos exposure during renovation or demolition projects according to the Asbestos Testing and Consultancy (ATaC) Association and the National Organisation of Asbestos Consultants (NORAC). They produced a combined report which revealed the extensive presence of asbestos in more than 100,000 buildings which could present this risk. What does this report mean for public safety and what can you do to protect yourself from the risks of asbestos during a demolition or renovation project – read on to find out more.

At All About Asbestos, we are the leading independent providers of asbestos removal in Kent and the surrounding areas. We are more than happy to help you manage the risks associated with asbestos and remove asbestos for you in a safe manner. We can support both commercial and domestic clients. Get in touch with a member of our team today!

You can use an online contact form or call our team directly now. If you have a question or a query – get in touch.

What Did the ATaC & NORAC Find in Their Report?

The combined report found some interesting but eye-opening and concerning information relating to asbestos. We’ve surmised the key points that were revealed below:

  • As mentioned, there was an extensive presence of asbestos discovered across more than 100,000 buildings.
  • 710,000 pieces of asbestos in 100,660 buildings were identified with a shocking 71% having “some level of damage.”
  • More than 120,000 items would require a specialist contractor. 
  • It was concluded that asbestos management is failing in the UK

What Do These Insights Tell Us?

It’s clear that a significant number of items would require professional disposal and removal. When asbestos is present in a building – specialist contractors such as our team are often used to assess the number of items that are present and to safely manage and dispose of the asbestos-related items. It’s highly concerning that 71% of the asbestos items identified had “some level of damage” because this could dispense asbestos particles into the air. The inhalation of particles into the lungs is the risk associated with asbestos as it can a number of lung diseases and cancers to develop as a direct result of inhalation. These diseases take many years to develop which means that it exposure could be harming people without their knowledge.

Why Asbestos Management is So Important

Asbestos management is a legal requirement for building managers and a survey will be required for demolition and renovation works. This demonstrates the importance of asbestos management and the duty of care to employees. The findings in this report show that asbestos is still a very prominent and serious issue which needs to be addressed and managed. We are able to support you with asbestos management and a range of additional services.

If you have any concerns about asbestos then get in touch with our team – we are more than happy to help. We have many years of experience in the management, testing and disposal of asbestos. Find out more about the various services that we offer today.

At All About Asbestos, we are the leading independent providers of asbestos removal in Kent and the surrounding areas. We are more than happy to help you manage the risks associated with asbestos and remove asbestos for you in a safe manner. We can support both commercial and domestic clients. Get in touch with a member of our team today!

You can use an online contact form or call our team directly now. If you have a question or a query – get in touch.